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tore comme référence


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comment définir/palper/mesurer le referenciel A qui est un plan tangent à un Tore de diamètre secondaire 2mm, je n'ais pas trouvé comment faire dans calypso( version 5.2, sans l'option curve) , reste l’alternative de poser la pièce sur le marbre et de palper ce dernier, y a t-il une autre solution ?

Merci de votre aide
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thank's for your response

I've the CAD model, the part isn't yet done, but don't have the curve option, so i don't be able to use free form ??? I can mesure the torus but I don't know how to associate the espace alignement and the zero axis above the axis's torus

an other solution to mesure the true position of 47 is to define : referentiel espace =C/ align =B/ X0 =B/Y0 =B / Z0 = torus (datum A -R2) but it's not the prupose of the blueprint

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Look in features\special geometries\freeform. Free form will be at the bottom of the list. I don't have curve, but, I can still use the freeform feature.
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Freeform seems to be ok on my version, I‘ll have a look on youtube to knows how it works.

I can already measure the element torus, but how you would define the datum A ?,

and will it be repetable or “précis” to define a first alignment on this torus, what I mind is that for example I will not make a first alignment on the cylinder B cause its high is very most smaller than its diameter so it will be no safe to make measure at 83mm from it

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I wouldn't bother with free form and torus.

Just use plane with circular strategy - it's center take from circle of cylinder close to torus. You will measure on edge of torus.
But it seems, like you will have trouble with secure part on fixture and size of probe.

If you will be ok with program just for position of "C" then place part on marble and use this simpler solution.
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