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Plane Construction Best Practice


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Hello All,

Hopefully a simple question regarding the most robust way of making planes.

I need to create a lot of planes at various angles around an axis. These are used later to intersect with curves and make intersection points.

Method 1: Create each plane based on the base alignment and use the A1/A2 angles to set the position.
Method 2: Create individual alignments with angular offsets relative to the base alignment. Then create a plane per alignment. This way the planes are all the same with respect to the individual alignment rather than the A1/A2 being all sorts of figures.

I have some issues in a program currently where 8 features are made the exact same way yet one of the fails to give sensible results on a feature recall (either 0 or very large values). I had a similar issue in another plan and ended up making the program again from scratch and it all worked fine so I assume there was some corruption somewhere.

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I don't know exactly what type of data you are trying to collect, but if you just need data
from the intersections Why not go with a different strategy? Instead of using planes for
the intersections, try constructing a Kink Point (Curve/Line/Circle)?
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Good point about the pattern. The spacing varies but in groups so I can make a couple of patterns rather than single planes.

Never thought of using a kink point but will give it a try later on.
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