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Plain evaluation Options


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When can we apply following evaluation Options When we define or construct plain?
• Minimum Feature
• L1 Feature
• Inner Tangential Feature
• Outer Tangential Feature
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LSQ for ISO standards
Outer or inner for ASME.
For datums does not a matter ISO or ASME you should use OTE.
Minimum feature is used for the form error evaluation of plane.
L1 l have no idea!!!
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He is asking about plane evaluation, your giving something different, anyway that was good information. I have not seen them in Pi-web!!!.
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Your evaluation method depends on your intent(drawing or engineer intent) or per a standard. Typically a plane would use Min.
feature when evaluating flatness. I use LSQ when using it for an alignment. When used as a Datum it would be OTE. If you are using a Plane symmetry you can also change the method to see (pass thru) width or minimum stock to clean up from machining. The PiWeb note is revealing when viewing a customers report, because it informs you of their method.. Most ppl never noticed it is even there.

This is similar to cylinder evaluation. Each application has an appropriate evaluation method to communicate the part condition. It is helpful to note your method when reporting results.
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The evaluation is partly dependent on the point density. More points closer together are needed to make filtering and outlier elimination function well. Which in turn affects the evaluation.

With points spaced far apart, LSQ is best.

Sometimes it depends if a standard like ISO is applied and or specified.

Is there a specific measurement that is giving issues?

Evaluations applied.JPG

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