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Eliminate ref Sphere stem from probe cal


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Is there a way to eliminate the stem/shaft of the ref sphere out of the tensor qualification? I want 180 degree coverage but will crash on ref sphere stem. I was able to do this prior by making degree angle inputs (start ang /360-ang)

Anything available like this? I don't want to reduce sphere coverage.

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Tensor will allways cover full 180° of cal. sphere.

You can mount cal. sphere to another shape to satisfy your needs.
I don't have any of unusual probes, but only one is rotated 45° with knee setted to 45° to handle one corner of a part.
I had to tell Calypso vectors of it's shaft. Otherwise i could only reduce coverage angle.
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Entering the correct shaft vector when measuring the sphere should eliminate the shaft automatically. If not, check the shaft radius in the sphere management.
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