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Do I need a python IDE/code editor to be effective in applying python within GOM


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I'm learning some basic python in hopes to make small steps improving automation inside GOM, such as auto printing and then reducing redundant data entry. For instance, I'd like the inspector to enter his name in at 7am and until he/she leaves at 4pm they never have to enter it in again. A simple variable that crosses b/w programs so to speak. I've gotten auto printing to work from home, but I can image the trouble learning how to make it work elsewhere.

I had to download Microsoft Visual Studio to do some python coding, I also tried out Pycharm. In both of these, I needed to create a virtual environment(venv) and download libraries such at psutil and then pywin32 so I could kill processes and work with windows. When you work within GOM do you need to be using GOM as your IDE and downloading these libraries if you need to use them.


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No, the GOM Inspect software brings its own script explorer and a tiny scripting IDE. Required licenses assumed, you can find the editor in the 'Scripting' main menu. Additionally, from GOM Inspect 2022 on it is possible to use an external Visual Studio Code instance for script editing, including advanced debugging features. This is still experimental, but information about this can be found here: [Link]

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Thanks for the info. I opened it up once before I did some python learning and it was rather confusing and intimidating. Honestly, Im pretty concerned it will take too much effort to learn python after browsing some forums. It seems like every question is wildly different with such a wide range of code it would be like learning Spanish, Chinese, and French at the same time. I'm not sure if my strategy is sound or not, but I'm just gonna try to do small improvements and that's it for now.

The entire side bar at the right has so many areas that I don't understand the structure of what im looking at.  The 599 GOM scripting course seems dead. I wish I could take that to understand more.

Ive got a lot of respect for those that understand all that code, no doubt.

My only question from your reply would be is it helpful to use Pycharm or Microsoft Visual Studio instead of Goms IDE when 2022 rolls out?

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  • The 599 scripting course is a good entry point and should be available. If not, could you contact support to verify that ?
  • There are some GOM Inspect related examples in the section "Python Interface" here: [Link]
  • Pycharm or MS Visual Studio are not working well together with GOM Inpect, because the scripts have to be started in the application as an interpreter, not in a standard system python interpreter. Also, querying tokens, elements and recording is not possible in these tools. The VSCode extension mentioned above solves this by connecting to a running application as a remote host. 
  • I think the recommended way is: Please use the internal scripting editor for small scripts and for learning the principles. Switch to VSCode if you plan to develop larger extensions (and keep in mind that the VSCode extension is still in development).
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