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Caliper distance uses masked points


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Hello there,

I got to situation where i used caliper distance to get min, max from meas. points and middle from geometry of width between two planes. Measured with 3 circular segments.

I used surface profile to see points, but there is everything ok. When i used ffs with recalled points i saw 2 points out of normal.
Same for recalled points on plane.
Points are at end of 2nd scanning route. Standard used masking points 0,5s at beginining and end of scanning. No outliers used.

Any idea how to measure max width without masked points?

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Calypso Standard Behavior.

Recalled features use all available points (masked and unmasked) unless stated otherwise. Set outliers etc. on the recalled feature exactly like on the scanned one.
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I know, that recalling points will result in recall of all points.
But why caliper distance is using masked points on measured plane? Maybe i should measure it again. For now i must find better solution then skipping middle path.
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