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Warning after power failure


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My bet is on some damaged (config?) file.

The string 'userDic' seems to appear only in 'inspection' and 'inspset' files, followed by protocol header variables.
Very wild guess: If the warning pops up without any measurement plan opened, maybe Calypso goes through the last opened plans and tries to read that data section, failing at one damaged inspection/inspset file?

I would try and check the last used measurement plans on the start page for integrity. Worth a try at least.
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A new config would be the first thing to try. This message is nothing but an annoyance. If a new config doesnt do the trick, then i would suggest uninstall/reinstall Calypso and the service pack.
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  • 3 years later...

englisch below

Hallo zusammen, 
wir hatten heute die selbe Fehlermeldung "Problem at reading userDIc from file at:"

Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass es an der Protokollkopfvariable lag, diese wurde zwar seit längerer Zeit nicht geändert, hier kam aber die Fehlermeldung "Sonderzeichen nicht erlaubt". 

Wir haben die Protokollkopfvariable neu hereingeladen und die Messprogramm überspeichert, der Fehler wurde somit behoben. 


Hello everyone, 
today we had the same error message “Problem at reading userDIc from file at:”

It turned out that it was due to the log header variable, which had not been changed for a long time, but the error message “Special characters not allowed” was displayed. 

We reloaded the log header variable and saved the measurement program, which fixed the error. 

Screenshot 2025-01-28 123929.png

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Isn't it nice when problems basically resolve themselves?  Glad this was a fairly simple fix.


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