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upgrading pip & python package not installed error


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Hello everyone,

I have two questions about gom python repository. First, which command should I use to upgrade pip with install python package script? I have also a problem with some python packages. Although it says successfully installed, and I can see the package in the GOM>2021>Python file, still my script says that is not installed. What could be the reason of this kind of errror?

Many Thanks,


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The python wheels in GOM Inspect are not installed into the regular system python folders, but into %APPDATA%/gom/2021/python. This is to ensure that the installed wheels are matching the python version used in the application itself, which can change from version to version. So installation of wheels should be done via 'Scripting / Tools / Install Python Package' only to be sure to hit the correct location.

If you already did this, you can have a look into that directory and verify that the python wheels are really present there (if not, something went wrong here). Also, you should check your python library path:

import sys

for p in sys.path:
  print (p)

These are the path the application tries to load wheels from.

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