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Error 550


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After running a measurement plan through Autorun at random points I receive this on the status window
"Duramax: 550 Error during writing of operating data"

It is usually after the part has finished measuring, but not always at the same pallet location. It is preventing Calypso from giving out a report.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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I had random issues saving with a different error. I moved my Inspections and Results folders out of the ...\Zeiss folder to Puiblic Documents folder and the issues went away. I created the sub-folders. Logged in as Master. I went to the Environment-Paths and set them to the subfolders I created.

It's kind of crazy that Calypso writes to a protected folder. Windows has issues with that for security and UAC is supposed to allow access. My guess is that Windows sometimes causes a slight delay and sometimes Calypso flags it.
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