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''Cannot identify one single start facet''


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I'm using Aramis 12M and Corelate cannot identify any facet on the initial/referent stage (I tried with all settings, sizes, filters...). I also recalibrated sensor. 


Any help is welcomed,

Best regards. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Zoran,

your image seems a little bit blurry. But to receive a better reason for a not finding of your facet you can do following: 

Try to create a single facet point. You find this option in the same spot like the surface component creation. 
Hold CTRL/STRG and go over the surface. You receive a label with some information and at the bottom a reason for not finding/creating a facet. 

Afterwards you can use this information to solve the problem. 

Check also the image of the right camera. 

Greetings, Ivan

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Zoran,

you can also use a facet point component as start facets.

Create a facet point component (clicking a few facet points along your specimen - if this doesnt work Ivans comment applies).
Then create a surface component with this component as startfacets (Create Surface Component - Expert parameters: Start facets = "Facet Point COmponent").

As it looks your specimen seems to fill only a very small part of your image - this can lead to trouble with automated startpoints. 
Anyways, it could be a good idea to use a little smaller measurement volume to get a better resolutionand more of your specimen filling the image. 😉 

Best, Thorsten

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  • 2 weeks later...

To add to Thorsten's suggestion about the image size, for tensile tests we like to rotate the camera bar so that it is parallel to the specimen. We can then crop the image height and still fit the entire specimen in the image. This has benefits for more than just the start facets, too, since it will allow you to record at a higher frame rate and reduce overall file size. It can be a little complicated if the grips holding the specimen are large, but overall I much prefer this setup for tensile tests.

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  • 10 months later...

I having the same problem,

This happened after changing from the 300MV170 lenses to the 150MV70 lens

Note: the 150MV70 lens is calibrated with a CP40-170 calibration panel because the CP40-60 calibration panel

Did the suggestion above helped in solving the problem?

Screenshot P1_camera.png

Screenshot testplaat2 camera.png

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