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SQL Server


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In the past, I've been able to rename or copy/paste certain folders to make temporary changes to my planner seat. Now, if I try renaming the config folder I get the first error below error. If I Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V on the Calypso folder, it copies most files but stops with the second error. Even from a clean reboot without starting Calypso.

Any thoughts?

Calypso 2020

Screenshot 2021-08-20 080600.jpgScreenshot 2021-08-20 080932.jpg

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HI Tom,

Issue #1

go to the Windows logo on the lower left side of your screen and type "services"

You will see a Services {windows app}, select that

scroll down to Sql Server (sdco)

right click and hit stop

You can now copy the folder as it is not in use anymore
note: dont forget to start it back up when you are done.

-if you do not have the option of starting (is grayed out) then IT has shut you out of here and
they must get involved

Issue #2

You need admin privilege's to move this (and maybe 3 more) file. Without it, you can not continue. If you skip this file(s) , then none of your stylus systems will get copied over.

I found this information in the Knowledge base section of the portal...
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know about the situation with Calypso 2020 as I never had it installed, but now on 2021 it installed a new version of SQL Server (I'm pretty sure they already changed that in 2020) and this is where the problems started.
I can't make complete backups in 2018 anymore because the tool that tries to detach the database (instead of stopping the service) does now crash, so even Calypso itself isn't able to copy that file anymore.

They must have had continuous hassle with this SQL Server feature (there's a lot of info on the net on how it modifies permissions of db files), so now instead of just copying the database during a backup, they export all the data to another file instead and reimport when the backup is restored.

I remember that some years ago when this first happened to me, our IT guy set some additional permissions on that file. That's why today I'm still able to copy it by hand when Calypso is not running. Unfortunately I don't remember what exactly he did.
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same problem with SQL Server 2017 .
when i wanted to install Calypso 2020 => Setup account privilèges = failed
" rule Setup account privileges "

someone has found a solution?
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I have two accounts on the PC.
One with regular user privileges that I normally work on.
The second with administrator privileges.

Whenever I want to backup the Zeiss folder I completely restart the PC and login to the admin account. And don't start Calypso.
Just logging out doesn't work and I can't copy all the files.
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