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Adding MMC to location of distance between intersects


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How can I allow for MMC on the location of a distance between two intersects? I know it could be done with a result element, but is there another (cleaner) way?

It literally (kind of) looks like this: __/*|__|*\__ I hope that worked like I wanted it to...

My location is a distance, of the intersects, of the angled faces to the lower face. That distance is located to the inner slot, with MMC.
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There is a way I just theorized that can work. But definitely not cleaner.

Maybe someone who knows more than I can simplify it:

Since you want MMC, that means you need a feature with size so either symmetry point or symmetry plane, and since you are working with intersections, point it is.

You can make 2 separate points by making a theoretical plane that intersects your cross section, and calling an intersection from the 3 planes, theoretical, the angled face, and bottom face like so __./*|__|*\.__

It would be nice if you could just recall those two points into a symmetry point, BUT a symmetry point seems to also require a proper vector as well on each of those points, and intersection points do not have it, so...

You can make 2 new theoretical points and in the nominal use a formula to recall the X, Y, and Z values of the intersection points, and then correct the IJK vector yourself to point outwards for each point (left one will probably be i -1.000, the right i 1.0000)

Then your symmetry point can recall both of those two points, and you can add the distance which allows for mmc. When you set the position tolerance you would just need to set it to X only (or whichever direction) in order to enable MMC to be used.

The downside is that this only gets you the position with mmc at one cross section. But it does work!
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Why would you expect there to be a clean way to do this? Neither of the major standards allow for this to be called out. An MMC position only has meaning for a feature of size, and the distance between two intersection points is not one of those. How do you determine which limit is the MMC limit? Is this an internal or an external feature?
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