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Custom Fields


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I am generating PiWeb reports and have created custom file names by combining several variables that works fine.
i.e. \MeasurementPlanName_LotCode_MachineNum_IncrPartNumber.pdf ( Clamp_B_M1_22.pdf )

However, I would like my report to show the lot code + machine number and incremental part number as 1 number, i.e. B_M1_22

Can someone point me in the right direction to create a custom field in my PiWeb header, created from several other fields?
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Hi Tom,

Just combine all of the variable "codes" into one text box.

Ie. if I connect one text box to the variable "Serial Number", when I go to the Properties tab and see what the text is (or double click on the text) it will show you the little code blurb for Serial Number. In my case, ${Qdb.Measurement(1805, -1)}

If I want to string together multiple variables, you can put all of your codes into one text box with a space or character in between. In my example, I put 3 variables together with "--" as a separator.
I also like using the expression builder by right clicking on my text box > Variable > Edit variable expression...

Click on the little fx button to expand the builder. A preview of what you're building shows up at the bottom.

You can scroll to Data Provider > Measurement > Measurement Attribute and pick your variables from the list and click Insert to start building a lengthy string or expression.

(Sorry, I saw your email but I was off)
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