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Using Digital Camera or GoPro camera as an acquisition sensor in Aramis 2D


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I would like to ask if it is possible to use digital camera or Go Pro as a acquisition sensor in Aramis 2D?  What demands I have to fulfill to measure with such system?

Looking forward for your reply.

Best Regards

Marcin Kempny

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Hi Marcin,

You can't control such cameras directly with the Software. But, you can import the videos or the image content after the acquisition. 

You can use a generic usb camera with the software as a 2D Sensor. 

For further information regarding you topic, please check the 2D Webinar in the GOM Training Center. https://training.gom.com/home/LearningPath/8375?r=False&ts=637961651447549350

Greetings, Ivan

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