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Export measured features as an IGES file from Calypso?


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Is there away to take measured features and export those as an IGES model from Calypso? Surely there must be a way to accomplish this simple task.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

Looking to compare my measured feature data as a model to a geometrically perfect model in Solidworks.

thanks all~!
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and this model would be constructed from data from my measured features?
My engineers want to measure a component on the CMM and then take the measured feature data as a model and compare it to their geometrically perfect model in solidworks.
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Not positive but you probably want to us Export Points. Right click on the feature and select Export Points. Review the settings and save the file.

If you want to Export Points automatically, go to menu item Resources, Results to File, there is a Configuration button next to Export Options to set the default settings and in the Features Settings editor, under Geometry > Export Points, there is an option to select which features you want to export points from. They will be saved in the measurement plan folder in pointsExport folder

Maybe someone will post a better, more CAD friendly solution.
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