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Short probe calibration


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Hello, I have a problem on Duramax.

I have a small star system with 4 probes (x+, x-, y+, y-) and all of them are 5mm length.

I can't qualify these probes using standard method I was using ever since I've started using this CMM.

That is "Qualify passive probe" with 180 degree sphere coverage.

The problem is I don't see any other option or setting how to qualify these short probes except this standard one I was using.

I see in help/guide that there are other methods of qualifying probes, but I can't find any of them. Looks like it's either locked or I'm just unable to find them in settings.

How do you qualify these short probes, what other possible ways to qualify them are there and where, under which menus, tabs, setting screens?

If I try to lower sphere coverage to any value, nothing seems to change, it still automatically scans the probe to 180 degree coverage, like I have changed nothing.
I've tried going down to 5 degrees, nothing, same as 180 degree coverage....

Thanks for any help in advance.
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Smaller Reference Sphere is the best option for qualifying short styli on XXT sensor. In a pinch, I've used an 8mm probe from my inventory of styli for my XT sensor.
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