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Measuring a dish shape, best way to report a string of Z dimensions along a line??


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I've got a part that has a concave dish shape on the Z plane. The customer is requesting the Z depth be reported at various points along this 130mm dia dish. They want the data received to looks something like:

There's a few ways to go about measuring this, currently I'm using a line with individual points. Is there a way to combine all of the actual Z values in one string, maybe using a formula in a Result Element? I -could- do individual points and report the Z axis that way, but considering I've got 100 points total that would be a very long report.
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Probably questions about the type of point they want (space point, touch, plane point ect) but in a quick reply, if using a line, you can bring in a plane feature and recall the feature points of the line you're using and then bring in a profile characteristic and choose that plane, open up the profile graphic and in the drop-down box choose "points list". Re-open the graphic and the points list will appear, right click on the list and choose "modify chart settings" and then select which points you want reported, x, y, z, etc.
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