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Combination of Restrictions??


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Has anyone seen this before?

I am measure a plate with a profile call out of .002 on two radius's.

I am scanning a cylinder and characterizing it with a profile characteristic.
This plate has two other radius's with the same radius size in a different location using the same strategy and they're coming out good.


Screenshot 2021-08-05 075456.png

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Are you constraining any axis or size of the radius/cylinder?
It seems like I've seen this when constraining and because either the location or size fit is exceeded or maybe you don't have enough point density for the filer afterward ?
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Thanks for the response Owen,

That was my first thought was the filter and outliers so I removed those and still getting these results.
I don't recall being able to apply constraints to a profile characteristic.

Point density. The first time I ran the part I had 702 points and I bumped it up to 1500 with the same results.


Screenshot 2021-08-05 113456.pngScreenshot 2021-08-05 113525.png

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