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Calypso 7.0


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I have Calypso 7.0 and sent a program to a vendor. They have Calypso 6.6. Is there anyway to make my program as a 6.6 or older? They do not have a SMA so they are not able to just download 7.0 and go.
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If your program contains enhancements not available in 6.6, I don't believe it will ever work.

Try deleting the version file and the inspset file in the measurement plan folder. If that doesn't work, I think you might be outta luck.
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I took a program written in 7.0, and opened the folder. Opened the version file with notepad and changed the version in that file, 7.0.2 and changed it to the version I needed, 6.8.0. Then saved that file. Go to the inspection file, right click and open properties. Change to read only, so you don't overwrite original program. Then go really slow through the first run, incase the CMM loses it's marbles because of functions that may be missing in the older version, Mr. Oaks is correct. You will have to edit, some things, to make it work. And GO SLOW. Good Luck!
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