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Calibration new stylus: cal sphere moved


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Hello All,

Ran a probe cal on multiple stylus systems after defining cal sphere with masterprobe per usual. Removed ceramic cal sphere from machine.

I decided to swap out a single styli after the fact on one of the stylus systems after the entire probe cal. Since the ceramic cal sphere was physically removed from the machine, I have to re-run entire probe cal yes? Not just the single styli?

On other non-Zeiss machines and softwares I would have been ok to just calibrate the one styli if I didn't remove the cal sphere from machine. Wondering if the same applies here.


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Load MasterProbe, do Reference Sphere Position and then qualify only changed stylus. However, if changing the stylus could disturb any of the other styli on the same stylus system, then I might consider doing the entire stylus system.
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