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Recreating Styli Systems


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I ran into a problem a while back. One of the probes just wasn't giving me good #s.
I ran a passive qualification through the whole rack and things seemed "o.k.".
It wasn't until I recreated the probe in question that things worked out better.
Do you find that sometimes you just need to start from scratch to get everything running better.
I'm thinking that every now and then, just rebuild all of them.
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did you run "automatical" requalification or did you calibrate every single stylus from every stylus system?

If we crash any stylus system I always do new manual calibration.
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When I break a stylus, yes manual.
I've found in the past that when numbers are not coming out right passive recal seems not enough.
I manually overwrite each probe to get it back on track.
I don't do this very often but about every 4-5 months passive seems to be not enough.
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