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Export the Nom-Act Compareson (color compareson) in 3D PDF


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is there any possibility to export from Calypso the Nom-Act Comparison (color comparison) in an 3D PDF or in HTML as a single file?
not just the .STL or the CAD file, but the the whole color comparison file. I see that can be exported as points or calypso session... I want to send it to the client or to other colleagues

Thank you
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I export the session file and then open it in the ZEISS SES Viewer.
The viewer is in the software downloads section of the website.
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Hey Jason,

after you calculate deviation from Nom-Act Comparison (in STL setting) at the bottom of the STL setting window you can see an icon "save current visualization display" and can choose to export in .ses

Thanks Brian, I have downloaded the ZEISS SES Viewer and seems to be okey. With the mention that it is necessary to change the tolerance in the upper right corner to be able to view color differences

Thank's again
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