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Zeiss CMMs shaking from rapid movement.


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My company has a Contura G2 and Accura CMMs and they shakes (jerking motion) more than I would like going from feature to feature or after every retract. I have the travel speed at 30 and don't run the CMM fast.

Is this normal for Zeiss CMMs or are there settings I could mess around to alleviate the rapid movement that causes the shaking.
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That's not normal. Something doesn't make sense. Maybe the speed it says it's running at and the actual speed are different. Maybe a controller setting of some sort. 30 mm/s is slow and it shouldn't be shaking. Are the CMM's on a stable surface?
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It's most likely not the speed, but the acceleration. There was a similar topic recently.
Acceleration can only be modified by setting parameters in the control unit, but this is not for the faint-hearted. I would recommend to have the CMM checked by the Zeiss service and if there's no fault, eventually have them lower the acc. value.
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Years ago (about 22) the company I worked for had a Ferranti 1400 bridge CMM that had recently had some electronic repairs done to it. When the tech finished his work we fired it up and homed it. Well it took off at about 100 mph toward home. Luckily I was able to stop it in time. Turns out the tech used the wrong value resister.
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Years back we had the same issue. But with a st3 head. It was the head and it's contacts that were "fluttering". So the machine was having difficulty with stopping after a hit. In essence a bad head.
Also your scale and the reader could have dirt. Is it anywhere or maybe happening in a specific region of the table travel.
Just in X travel? Or Y?
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Also check the blue shock absorption pads underneath the surface plate. We had one of the pads that was completely crushed for some unknown reasons which was found out during calibration as it was showing off readings at that end. That might also be a reason for such jerks.
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