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Program Movement


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I'm running a customer supplied program and every time any of the styli finish a measurement they move way back
in -Y and up in Z. I thought it might be a CNC end park position. I found one and turned it off, but it still does this?
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Clearance cube is normal looking, close to the part. Program was
written an O-inspect and now running on a Contura if that helps?
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I experienced like this, I changed the clearance distance then it moved directly z plus. What I experienced is sensor moves to the nearest clearance plane then z plus clearance plane.

Your problem might be different, just told my experience.
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I love customer supplied programs......
Sometimes you can look at them and be like "wow, this guy is a genius, i can learn something from this person", and sometimes you can look at them and be like "This fortune 500, multinational company is letting chimps write programs, how neat".
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