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Data import from older version


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Another day of marveling at the elaborateness of Calypso's upgrade process 🙄

Installed 2021 today. Been using 2018 until now, but had 2019 installed and uninstalled inbetween.
Started 2021 for the first time, imported data as usual, checked for completeness - wait, something's missing.
Thinking......please stand by........ah! The darn thing imported the data from 2019 instead of 2018! Forgot to delete the 2019 folder first. Great...

Not a catastrophe, I can still make a backup of the 2018 data and feed it to 2021, but out of pure curiosity:
Is it possible to reactivate the import dialogue once I checked "Don't show again"? And if so, how can I make it import from the right version?
The most brilliant part of this is that I explicitly told 2021 NOT to hide the import dialogue. But after importing the old data it was gone all the same, as it also imported the state of the checkmark. Programmed by a true genius! 🤣 🤣
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Unfortunately I can not access that page (from Germany).

Now an additional problem popped up: I can no longer make proper backups in Calypso 2018. If I start the backup function now, it gives me an error message "ClearSQL.exe has stopped working". The backup continues afterwards, but there are parts of the probe database missing in the backup file. I believe this has to do with the new version of SQL Server installed with Calypso 2021. What's worse, Calypso doesn't even display an error that it couldn't copy a file. So it makes the user believe the backup is complete when it really is not.

I already found out how to make Calypso 2021 import the correct data (needs a registry change), but I still need to know how I can make the import dialogue appear again. The option must be somewhere in the config files ("values" files?), but I couldn't find it yet
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If you want something done right you've got to do it yourself. 🤣 🤣

Ok, this is for documentation if anyone should ever need this in the future.
The following is only of interest if you work with parallel installations of Calypso.
Do all of the below purely on your own risk!

1.) How to make a freshly installed version of Calypso import the correct config data of a previous version
Let's assume you do the following:
  • Install Calypso version X
  • Install version Y parallel to version X
  • Uninstall version Y again
  • Install version Z parallel to version X
In this case, version Z will ask you if you want to import the config data of version Y, since it is the most recent previous version it can find. But what if you need the data of version X instead? There's no option to select which version to import from. Of course you can still copy and rename the config folder by hand, but if you want to do it the official way, you need to edit the registry:

Navigate to the following branch: 127_ccf4ab9d0f864b958fa46a1dd3e8daac.jpg
Now in the left pane rename all the CALYPSO... entries except the one you want to import to and the one you want to import from, like this: 127_5dbfe848bd6a98419f994bd5e6353f66.jpg
In this example I want to import to version 7.2 (2021) and want to import from 2018 (6.6), so I left these entries untouched.

Now, if you start the new Calypso version it will import from the correct config folder(check in the "preview" section of the import dialog!). Remember to undo the registry changes afterwards!

2.) How to get back the data import dialog once you checked "Do not show again"
You may have noticed that there is no option in Calypso to get back this dialog window, once you set the "Don't show again" checkmark at the bottom: 127_56dbafc57dc04a9158d3df3a49566734.jpg
So in order to reactivate this window, you once again have to edit a config file:
  • Go to C:\users\public\documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO X.X\config\env\
  • Open the file values with Notepad
  • Search for the string currentApplicationName
  • Now delete exactly only the following portion of the file:
    add: (#currentApplicationName -> 'CALYPSO 7.2'); 
    The version number may of course be different in your file. Note that there is a trailing space character after the semicolon, which should also be deleted. Do NOT press the ENTER key!!
  • Resave the file
Now on the next start and login as Master, Calypso will show the data import window again!

(P.S.: This one was a real b*tch to find out) 😎
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