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Calypso Screen Resolution


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Calypso has crappy resolution after installing on my new laptop. Has anyone seen this before?

Edit, in the picture attached, both images look low resolution. In reality, the resolution is much better on the picture on the right.
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There is no reason why is this occuring. Perhaps selected font for Calypso?

But generaly these windows a created from M. Windows api.
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It is weird. Everything in windows looks great and everything in Calypso is fuzzy.

Font, CAD model, icons, etc. are all fuzzy.
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you nailed it Richard.

I checked the resolution but not the scaling. it was set to 125% per default.

1st world problem #288567.1

Do I want text that is hard to read because it is small or
text that is hard to read because it is fuzzy.

so many choices.
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These are native Windows file dialogs, but I wonder if Windows applies the application's DPI scaling settings to these as well.

Are you past a 1080p screen res here? Default 125% scaling makes me think 1440p or 4k.
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Yeah. My laptop has a 4k display. At first I had to do a lot of scaling.

If you have an Intel iGPU then you can change the output resolution to 1080p from there. I would recommend doing it there instead of using Windows. It will scale everything correctly.
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