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Calculating Radius Slot


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I've never been able to figure out a feature or characteristic to use to calculate this type of slot. Is there anyway to calculate it as a 2 hole bolt circle? Or something totally different? TIA

Radius Slot.jpeg

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Never been able to figure out any other way myself.

I would just measure hole to hole for your 86 and angles. Check the slot width and make sure it meets your minimum with a gauge pin, or something like that. Otherwise incorporate a curve scan to know the size, form, and location is correct.
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Using the limited data you’ve shown in the cut drawing.
There may be a simpler way and this could open a can of worms, but, the way I think I’d do it is with constructions using the center hole for x, y datum, the top face as spatial, the left edge as planar, the left slot hole and the right slot hole.
(1) Create a perpendicular construction using the center hole and top face plane. Create an intersection construction using the center hole perpendicular and the top face.
(2) Create a perpendicular construction using the left slot hole and top face plane. Create an intersection construction using the left slot hole perpendicular and the top face.
(3) Create a 3D line recalling the center hole intersection and the left slot hole intersection.
Do the same for the right slot hole.
Create a construction symmetry between the two 3D lines.
Go to form and location and choose angle between features, use the two slot hole 3D lines to get the 30° and then bring in another angle between feature characteristic and use the symmetry line and the right slot hole line to get the 15°.

I don’t have simulation but, I think for the 86.0 circle, I think you can recall the two slot circles to get the 86?
If not that, measure the inside radius of the slot and the outside radius of the slot and use a result element and use a formula to get the inside radius + the outside radius or the outside radius – the inside radius *2, something like that.
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This is basically what I ended up doing. Seems I'm always doing more steps than would be needed.
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