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Cylinder-Cylider intersection


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Hello, due to confidential reason I can't show the drawing but I have a part that asks for intersection or tangent of two curves features that CAD shows two cylinders. A rough drawing idea..

I can get two cylinders to establish intersection with shell enable but no actual result is shown, possibly due to actual workpiece curves do not intersect. How to force it to establish intersect if the two curves feature lie within the same plane?


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Hi. I have tried two circles. It detects intersection on the solid model but no actual result is displayed. I'm assuming that two circles don't actually intersect. I also tried two cylinders, established the top plane that perpendicular to the two cylinders to treat it as a 2D circle. Once again, it detects intersection but no actual result is shown.

I have another idea that I will try but I'm running out of options as the callout is ridiculously tight tolerance for a tangent distance.
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I had as similar part. I finally resorted to creating a theoretical plane just below cylinder centerline. Both circles will reliably intersect that plane, then create a symmetry of those two intersections .
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Hallo John LEE,
mein Englisch ist nicht gut genug um es auf Englisch zu beschreiben.
Vielleicht ist es ja das was Sie suchen.Sehen sie sich das Video an.
Habs mal übersetzen lassen 😃

Hello John LEE,
my english is not good enough to describe it in english.
Maybe this is what you are looking for. Watch the video


Hoffe es hilft
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