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Planner - Recreate a Masterprobe


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I have no idea how, but the data for the Masterprobe appears to be corrupt.

How do I create a new Masterprobe?
Stylus System Creator will not let me import a Masterprobe, I get some odd error message.

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What does that even mean?

In the Masterprobe Stylus Geometry, X, Y and Z are all 0.0000 (Inch)
I had to add a Sphere radius, that too was 0.0000 (Inch)
And I can not select a Reference Sphere.

What in the Calypso Hillbilly software is going on?
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When you build a new stylus system in Stylus System Creator, you will have the option to build a MasterProbe. When you import the SSC files, you'll import that MasterProbe one time. There will be a green check mark afterwards indicating that step is complete. Then, import the other ssc files for your other stylus systems.
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No disrespect meant...

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The above is my own error, I don't have to accept the Masterprobe.
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None taken.

But I'm a bit confused. When you say import MasterProbe into SSC, do you mean that you can't open the MasterProbe SSC file?
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The big problem is, it seams, the Masterprobe.
What ever Stylus System Creator is creating, has unknown issues.
It looks correct visually, but its obviously not correct.
I'm definitely not going to import an SSC Masterprobe file after what happened to my programs. 😮

I cant reference a 30mm Reference Sphere, it fails and or if it doesn't fail, it fails. By fails, I mean it generates a Masterprobe Radius value, that is not only the wrong size, but its a "Negative" value.
That's not a typo, its a Negative Radius value.

Every Stylus, Reference Sphere (Ø30mm and Ø15mm) are copied from a active and running CMM that has no issues, such as this Offline seat. Programs from the Offline seat work well as long as I do not import a Masterprobe.


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