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3D curve diameter mesurements


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We are trying to measure a tube diameter and create a spider plot/radar graph. We currently measure a section that was extracted from the solid model and measure it using the 3D curve feature. And extracting the deviation from tube nominal to the measured section. The problem we are now having is that there is a larger diameter at the end of the tube (a hose bead). Is it possible to measure only half of a 3D curve at a time with different stylus? I want to measure part of the tube with one of the styli (+X) on the star probe and then switch stylus (-X) to continue the measurement. Does anyone know if this is possible?

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You can also just create segments strategies inside of the Curve. Tip 1 measures points 1-25; Tip 2 measures points 26-50, etc.

I hope this helps.
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is the extracted feature a circle of cylinder ? If so don't try to use 3D curve to check it. The algorithms are not the same ! inspect it as a cirle and shorten the area as appropriate, check the second circle and pull feature points into a third circle. I've been down this road, curve and circle are completely different !
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