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Exporting data in csv format


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We have a few CMM's (running Calypso 2019 and 2020) and are in the process of going "paperless".
I need to figure out how to export the results in CSV format, as we have different platforms to which I need to export (Excel, uniPoint, Micronite, etc.). How do I do this? Is it something that needs to be selected separately in each program?
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Thanks Jayesh.
Unfortunately, I do not have that option.
I have been programming for 20 years, but am fairly new to Calypso.
I am fairly certain there has to be a "sort data macro" or an icon that would allow the export, just not sure where.
If anyone has any ideas, Please let me know.
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For csv better use table file. I attach little instruction how to save it, it includes some Russian language but I hope you understand it by screenshot. You can save separately characteristic, element, and head table.
When you will read the table file it uses a tab separator.

Zeiss csv saving.pdf

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I don't know if this approach will work for you, but I'll throw it out there. I've left out steps but this is the basics.

In the results folder will be a file ending in .chr
It is a tab delimited file. I use Excel's Power Query Editor to combine and transform the data from part runs into .csv files with just the data I need for Minitab.
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