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Park position


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I have a program on a 6 position pallet. There's 4 park positions in this program, I cant see anyway to delete them. IS there a difference between a program and a pallet when using park positions. Can I delete the park positions and start over.
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Unfortunately, I am not aware of a way to delete parking positions. You can delete the contents of a park position so it doesn't do anything. So maybe you focus on Park Position 1 and make it the way you want and just ignore the extras. You also have the option to select Off for a parking position. If you absolutely didn't want the extra ones, you could select all of the characteristics, right-click and select Copy with References from the old program and Paste with References into a new program. Not sure if it is worth all of the extra work involved.
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It's a little bit hidden. Go to "CNC => Navigation => Navigation Paths List"
Then you should see all your parking positions and be able to edit/delete them.
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  • 2 months later...
I do it mostly with a PCM Postsetting.
if (getRecordHead("palletlocationnumber") == getRecordHead("lastpalletlocationnumber")) then  
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