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Calypso 2017, Service Pack 9 Planner Issue


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I'm seeing an issue when measuring a Ø .125in bore with a .050in probe. It seems to be retracting right after the retract I've placed and crashing through the part. The hole is on a 12 degree angle, I'm coming down in the Z+ axis and measuring about half the hole. I've done this countless times and proved it out on an actual machine yesterday but Planner isn't having it.

Anyone have any ideas for a solution?
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are you measuring a circle or cylinder? If a circle, does your A1 or A2 reflect the 12 deg angle?

What are your clearance distance and retract values?

Is it possible that the feature is way off in location?
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I've verified that the model is correct.

Probe Diameter - 0.8mm
Clearance Group - CP +Z
Clearance Distance - 2.000in
Retract Distance - .020in
Measure Strategy:
4 Single Points
Start Angle - 120
Angle Range - 130

X nominal location is .00266in off
Y nominal location is .00176in off
Diameter nominal is .19445in off
12 degree angle reads perfect.

I've measured a million angled holes with Planner and do not remember seeing this.
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In your strategy, clearance settings, do you have move to clearance plane set to "before and after measuring". I am sure it is by default but just to check.
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I think I figured it out. Is there a reason CAD Model would be checked under Point Transfer in the simulation settings? I turned it off and it's not doing the extra retract...

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