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Rotate/Swivel position


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I've read a few posts about this and thought I had a clue. I was wrong.

I have a 2x95 probe on an RDS. Calypso sends the Z axis to the hardware end position when I start the program.

To what and how do I link the navigation path?

Any PDF's floating out there?
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You can move to a place in the measuring volume that you feel is safe to index. Go to the Rotate/Swivel position window. Click Create New. I would click the 2nd icon from the left which sets the position based on the machine coordinate system but the 1st will work, too. The 1st one will move with the base alignment location.

Now, the tricky part. Depending on where you are when you need to rotate the RDS, I don't recall if the move to the rotate position will respect the clearance cube or not, so you may need to add clearance plane moves (3rd icon) to navigate around the part before the swivel position. For example, if your swivel position is at the back, you might need to add a +Y clearance plane move before the swivel. You can even add an additional amount beyond the clearance plane, if needed.

Not sure but you may also need to block the top edges to prevent any travel over the +Z clearance planes. It's been a long time since I've done this so I am working from a rusty memory.

Is your base alignment greatly skewed to the machine coordinate system, causing your clearance cube to be skewed, as well? Or, do you have a really tall part and there is not enough room for the probe to clear the +Z clearance plane without hitting Z limit?

Screenshot 2021-05-21 082331.jpg

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Many thanks! Got that to work. Hopefully version 7.0 is easier than 5.2. 😃

Next question. Is there a fix to this? Turns out Calypso calculates the Sphere the RDS can travel through??? and not just existing or qualified positions? Executing Now everything works. When I hit RUN everything works but the stylus change to the 2x95 probe. It +Z end hardware errors.

The +Z clearance plane does not have enough room before the end hardware limit. I even copied the Stylus System and deleted any positions that would not clear the Clearance Plane for a stylus change.

I was looking for a way to use multiple Swivel Positions before I realized "there can only be one." 🤣 I was thinking each Stylus System/Stylus would be assigned it's own. When I hit "Execute Now" the pop up told me "Selected Element Not Found in Measurement Plan"???

I am using Approach Parameters-Additional Position in addition to the Swivel Position. Very nice touch Calypso.
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I don't believe version 7.0 is any different. However, the new Contura cmm's have 200mm more Z 🤣
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