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Step Cylinder


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Personally I have enough trouble already explaining how to measure a cylinder vs. a circle for an alignment. But if your operators understand that, I don't see a problem with step cylinders.
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I recently tried using step cylinder in my base alignment for spatial and two origin points. I did not quite figure out what was wrong with that but initially during manual alignment, it threw a big error statement saying something about block edges/ clearance plane, travel path. Then I tried to make another step cylinder using same features to see if it was some settings that was messing it up but then it just kept giving "base alignment cannot be computed" error. Tried multiple times but could not get it to work.

Part was a long shaft with a cylinder feature (using 2 circle paths each ) on each end recalled into stepped cylinder. But I gave up on it due to time constraint and used a 3D line (recalling 4 circle features (2 on each end)) instead for base alignment.
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As long as you use enough points on each cylinder (6 is min but I don't use less than 8) it should be good. Since step cylinders are co-axial it would also be ok to recall points into a 3D line and use that.
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