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Reference Sphere Shaft


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I recently upgraded our Duramax to 6.8.20 and had a calibration done. I was doing a probe calibration on a star stylus #5, -x with the reference sphere in the usual location and angle 135, 135. The probe diameter is an 8mm. I noticed the ruby hit the reference sphere shaft. I do not believe this has happened before. I did notice in reference sphere management the shaft radius is set to .1378. Our Contura is set to .2362. Would that be so bigger probes don't hit the shaft? While getting the machine calibrated, I question why I get 0.002mm. different results on the Contura. He recreated my reference spheres for me. Is it possible he entered the actual shaft radius instead of a radius that will prevent probes from shanking out? Or, does that number have anything to do with avoiding the shaft? I had to reposition my reference sphere parallel with X. I have not had to do that before.
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I don't think there is. I think we were shown the optimal position to put the reference spheres and stuck with it. I don't see a 180 option when I click on reference sphere position, but 180 does make more sense with my probes.
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