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Tooth by eccentricity


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Hello! Sorry for my English.
We have a sector of gear. Basic axis gear have eccentricity. Eccentricity have direction by tooth. We make coordinate system in Calypso as picture. Axis X is directed by point symmetry of tooth.
In gear axis is directed by space measurement(see picture). For measurement in gear Pro we rotate table abaut on 3-4 degrees.
How axis X direct by tooth in Gear Pro. 1475_f4cc4533d4ced62549bca0c0d0361c1b.jpg
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I am not sure I understand but, I will try.

It looks like you are using the special menu in the base alignment to locate the tooth in calypso for your planar rotation. Locating the tooth for planar in the base alignment is necessary for measurements inside of calypso but, it is not necessary for gear-pro. Gear-pro will use the alignment/feed in command.

You locate the probe close to the tooth using the strategy inside the gear macro icon used to transfer to the gear program and then you can use the self-centering or the single flank/both flank option. With gear-pro knowing the gear nomenclature as you programmed it, it will find the tooth and align it accordingly.

Eccentricity is gauged by the rotary table alignment if using one. 164_e17db41fe834a578f948ef02dfecc626.jpg
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  • 2 years later...
Hello Dina,
i suggest, you want to use Calypso Base System to work with GEAR.
This works only without Rotary Table.
The easiest way to do what you want is: a manual alignment of the gap by rotating the Gear in the chuck.

Make a Base system without Rotate Plane ( Secondary).
In the Calypso Program for alignement , in the strategy of Surface you put an I-Pos near the first gap and a CNC-Stop with the message " Put gap manually to the probe " , then I-Pos over Surface and then the Alignment starts.
GEAR measurement start from +X of CMM-system as you wanted. GEAR does the secondary alignment.

Now i had understood, eccentricity of the gear-alignment. So if you use my recommended manual alignment, you can continue by Point - Point ( Midpoints) - Symmetry and an additonal Alignment with the Symmetry and displacement in X.
In the GEAR-Feature you can activate this Alignment and run it in CNC.
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