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Base alignment help


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This is my first time using a stepped cylinder.

Part is a shaft where stepped cylinder DATA-B_CYL is a stepped cylinder using recall feature points from two cylinder features at opposite ends of the shaft. Dat-C-pl is one of the ends of the shaft and 29deg_pl is a flat milled in the middle of the shaft to lock rotation of shaft.
Shaft axis is along Y axis; 29 deg plane normal is pointing towards +X axis.

I have setup base alignment as shown in the pic. When trying to run using manual alignment (by probing 5 points each on both cylinders; 3 points on dat-C- plane; and 3 or 4 points on 29 deg plane); it shows base alignment cannot be computed. I have tried running couple of times but same error.

Now if I use 4 circles ( 2 on each cylinder) and recall it into 3D line and use that instead of stepped cylinder, it goes to CNC run without throwing that error. So why is stepped cylinder not working in my base alignment?

Thank you for suggestions and comments,


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I have had a few bad experiences with step cylinders especially when used in alignments. Try if you can using a 3d line instead.
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Thanks Clarke. I am also leaning towards using 3D line instead. I just wanted to confirm if there are any concerns with using 3D line for axis and two origins in base alignment?
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