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Generalize table export


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I would like to export table contents of a certain report page. How can I generalize the elements line that it works independently from the elements inside it?


gom.script.report.restore_3d_view_from_report_page (page=[gom.app.project.reports[1]])

gom.script.table.export_table_contents (
    codec='iso 8859-1',
    elements=[gom.app.project.inspection['Cylinder 1.Cylindricity'], gom.app.project.inspection['Plane 1.Flatness'], gom.app.project.inspection['Cylinder 1.Ø']],


Best regards,


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Hello Máté,

there is a direct csv export of a report page in the export menu. Or you could use the list "Elements in report" of the report page. This list can be passed as the elements to export.




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