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Form Plot is Backwards


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My True Position Form Plot is not printing properly. For an accurate view I have to rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise, flip the sheet over top to bottom, and look thru the back of the page. Not exactly inspiring confidence with the tool room... Any ideas? 1222_8c43ba58ff15632685414272fb7c1899.jpg
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Go into the best fit bore pattern, where you select the features. Try deleting the circles, then re-select them. Sometimes, if the features are added first, then datum features are applied, things can get screwed up. As a practice, I try to make the "adding features", the last step in building the BFBP.

This may not solve your issue, but it may be worth trying.
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Well I appreciate the "try", but the result is the same. I also created a new characteristic and populated it last and it came out the same. Thanks for your help tho...
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If you are using a pattern to make the circles, try deleting the circles and beeping a different circle to start off. You'll have to reconfigure your pattern but, that might do the job.
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If you use PiWeb, then you can edit your template axis.

Also, if you drop in a graphic element then I think you can edit that template as well.

Idea #3, can you go to into the position characteristic and rotate your alignment by 180 degrees(under special)?
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Special changes the output results direction relative to the axis' but doesn't do anything to the actual plot orientation on the page. This has always been "broken", IMO. Calypso bore pattern plots don't like it when the Z axis isn't perpendicular/parallel to your primary datum, depending on the feature.

You can create another alignment based on how you want to view the plot and put your features in that alignment. Then pick that alignment in the position characteristic, as opposed to picking your datums. The only issue with that is you don't get the proper constraints of ISO 5459 unless you correctly constrain the datums to each other in that built alignment.
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Chad, you're the man. Working hard for a solution and i appreciate it. Sadly... we do not have PiWeb. And I'm not sure how to use a graphic element, but I'm looking into it. Thx for your effort.

Tom, Robert's correct. Changes under special don't correct the issue on my computer but do create a whole host of new ones. Good thought tho...

Tom, I'm looking into your method this morning but what do you mean by "don't get the proper constraints of ISO 5459 unless you correctly constrain the datums to each other in that built alignment". You can do that within an alignment?
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I did a test where I tried to reproduce your issue. I created 4 circles on the front of my part. The "Pre-Special" shows the original best fit bore pattern plot, which appears to be similar to yours. Then, I did a 90° rotation about +Y and then 180° about +Z in the Special window. Like I mentioned previously, I had to delete the circles and re-select them, click OK, click Calculate and produce the Post-Special plot. I don't know if this is what you were hoping for. It still requires a page rotation but I can live with that....lol

I also noticed you have translations and rotations active on your best fit bore pattern. If your position has a primary datum only or you have MMB on secondary and tertiary datums, this could be correct. However, if your DRF is fully constrained, this should be un-checked.

Yes, you can create a secondary alignment equal to selecting the datum features. In the secondary alignment, change the evaluation of every feature to Outer Tangential and Constrain to ISO 5459.


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Tom, that was magic. The key was deleting then reselecting the features after making the changes under the special tab. Worked like a charm. The graphic plot actually looks like the CAD model.

The plot axis are still mislabeled X on the Z axis, and vice versa, but they are aligned with the page and that's nothing a sharpie cant handle...Thanks for your help.

The DRF is not fully constrained, thus the checks at rotation and translation. I'm under the impression you cannot use best fit with a fully constrained characteristic... is this incorrect?

Thanks for the reminder about the secondary alignment regarding iso 5459. I seem to recall that now.

Thank you all for your help!! There will be no more eye-rolling in the tool room!!

Until the next time...

graphic plot.jpg

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You're welcome. Thanks to Chad for mentioning the idea.

Another option would be to use the Special button to get the Z axis pointing in the -Y direction and they you'd be looking at X & Y, which might make an acceptable plot. In the pic below, I just did a 90° rotation about X

No, you can't on a fully constrained DRF, but if you have MMB/LMB modifiers on datum features, you can. You do need to understand which options you can use.


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