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Positions Auswertung einer Kurve


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ich soll für einen Kunden eine gescannte Kurve (geschlossen Kontur) die Position auswerten.

Leider weiß ich nicht wie, in dem Beispiel Protokoll vom Kunden macht er dies über ein Resultatselement.
Wenn ich da aber die entsprechende Kurve auswähle und auf midPoint gehe kommt immer ein Fehler.
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You can display formula of user input to see how it is done.
Otherwise i would try to bestfit curve and make it's alignment. Then create theoretical point and use alignment of bestfit.
Then do measuring position of that point in base alignment.
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The designers intent, (in this case) is to limit the amount of "best-fit" for the profile requirement. So do it like this and your customer will be satisfied:

Use a best-fit on the curve (Tschebycheff), regardless of the ABC. Create an alignment, Eg: "WP_kurve". Use a result element to display the hypotenuse of the translation values, times 2.
Make sure you measure the slot in at least two different sections, at different depths, because milling tools that are as long as required here has a tendency to flex alot, especially in the corners... 😉
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