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Caliper distance


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I'm trying to measure the max and min distance on a plane relative to another plane. I tried using a caliper distance and set the considered feature to Measured Points and the Reference Plane to Outer Tangential. When I go into CAD Evaluation, I see a point indicator on both planes. When I activate tolerance zone, they appear on both planes.

The screenshot below seems to show result of top plane. I really don't understand what is going on.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Bottom line. I'm trying measure the depth of a pocket. I would like to be able show the max and min points relative to the top plane, which is not my Z origin or Spatial feature.

Min Max Distance.JPG

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Not sure how well this will work, but, can you construct a perpendicular from your ref plane to the other plane ( OTF then ITF ) and ask for length of perpendicular ?
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The only reliable way we have come up with to get the result you are looking for is to:
-Create a new alignment using the reference plane as the primary datum.
-Make a new plane recalling the feature points from the plane to evaluate referencing the new alignment
-Construct Min and Max coordinate feature from the new plane and compare these to the tolerance
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