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Scanning while Qualifying


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Hello all,

I was wondering if any of you could tell me how I can make my five Contura G2s with VastXT Gold probes to scan while qualifying the stylus systems?
Currently when doing initial or CNC Qualification it only takes around 24 individual points and that's it, I'm looking for a method that centers on reference sphere and then does two or so spiral scans down the sphere. Note that this is not the Dynamic Tensor path which scans around equator and over the pole at two different speeds.

The user guide states that the C99 controller needs appropriate XML file to accomplish this, but I'm not able to find a name of the file?

Thanks in advance,


Topic from UserGuide.JPG

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Thanks for a reply, so the User Guide section "Basics About Stylus Qualification" is wrong then? As you see from the screenshot I provided they are specifically talking about Active Scanning probes.
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Yes, and no.

It appears that maybe they are talking about the Dynamic Tensor Qualification which does scan the reference sphere after performing the normal Tensor Qualification.

However, the method of the scanning is different, and what they are describing is the behavior of the XXT with Passive Qualification.
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That and fact that it's very tedious to set up using star probes as it requires 180° sphere coverage, Helical scan that accounts for shaft would be so much better solution.

About a decade ago I was programming for 3 XXTs and 2 VastXT Gold... I was so sure that all of them scanned when doing Manual qualification after my programming manager had someone send her some files.

Guy from Zeiss that was doing calibration was sure that they do the scan.

It really makes 0 sense to only use touch points to qualify scanning heads... at Rigidity of 2 (80mm L Ø3) tip with 6mm/s speed scanning (really fine bore finish <10Ra and roundness <.0001") I get .0003" difference in size on 4" bore vs doing 24 points.
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You are qualifying the rigidity of the stylus/stylus system, and the location/size of the stylus when you perform a probing system qualification.

Scanning vs Single Points has zero difference on an object with virtually zero form error.

As for the actual calibration of the scanning head, that is performed on a ring gage which is scanned. The scanning head is calibrated for both single probing error, and scanning error.

Most likely your differences are due to filtering, outlier elimination, and form error of the object.

The XXT does perform a scan for the qualification, but it is only for the bending parameters - at the end of the qualification it performs a 5/6 single point measurement for the location/size of the stylus. The VAST series of heads perform a normal Tensor qualification (single points), and if you have the Navigator functionality, it will perform the Dynamic qualification at the very end where it scans the Reference Sphere at a low/high speed - once again, this is only for bending parameters - the single points are what is being used for the location/size of the stylus.
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I know that the static bending of the stylus is determined, but when you have low rigidity probe(<5) seems that it is not useful as stylus does bend even at low speeds(<8mm/s[.315"]). I have done studies on this and have seen 0.0002" difference in size on 0.99996" ring guage with proper filtering and 0 form error.

Yes, I know that Navigator license would help, but my boss is not budging on it since he returned 4 navigator licenses back to Zeiss a few years back. I did test on the machine that still has navigator and the problem is gone on low and higher speeds. So I was hoping that they would have helical qualification for these machines to at least alleviate the problem at low speeds.
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Once again - it is only for the bending parameters, and to allow you to scan faster. You can still achieve what you are looking for with normal Tensor Qualification.
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