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Auto Run - Fixture Dependency


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Is there any piece of code ( formula) that can be used to create dependency between two fixtures that are not spaced out symmetrically ( i.e. the x and y offsets on autorun only satisfy 1/2 of the fixture, the other one requires operator to switch the active pallet and hit run again in auto run) .

Just to put it more into picture ( each fixture has 8 nests, but also each is being located on different air chuck).
Ultimately, I would like two fixtures work as a one unit.
I was thinking of any trick that can either connect fixtures in autorun( forcing autorun to run two pallets at given desk )
or throwing extra alignments in part program that will connect two programs align at different positions

I'm aware of the LOS but looking for something that is quicker to recover when it comes to part and fixture alignment as fixtures are being swap on daily basis.

Please let me know if there is anything you can think of. I went over forum and nothing really caught my eye yet

I hope I explained it clear enough
I'd appreciate any responses.
Thank you
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You can select the two program/pallet icons (holding CTRL and click on each) and they will run back to back.
After selecting the two icons you can click on Measurement / Sequence at the top and set the order in which it will run.
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