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two different reports from the same program


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Hello dudes,
I tried to search how to print two reports from a program, but in other discussions some people talk to use pcm.
In my contura G2 I don't have pcm, but I need to print two report, one for the shop floor and one for the costumer. For example, the shop floor's report have ten characteristics and the customer's report have fifteen characteristics different from the shop floor's report.
Until now, I added in the comment of characteristics "only for the shop floor" for don't have any problem with customer but isn't elegant 🤣
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If you need EITHER report, you can do it with mini plan.
If you need BOTH, you will need to add another PiWeb report and hide marked items on ONE report. No need to make a template.
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We don’t use PiWeb, it isn’t configurated. Until now We used the normal pdf report or excel report to fill the form3 for FAI. if we want to use piweb, do we have to configure it?
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Another inelegant solution would be to order your characteristics to have all customer reported first, then put in a "text element" with some blank lines to shove all the shop characteristics onto the next page. Then when you print, you can choose which pages to keep.
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Our cmms work 24/24, with night operators who aren't programmers and printing a few pages from report, can be difficult. But can't you print two reports without running the program the second time?
Auto-run forces me to run the program two times, one for the shop floor and one for the customer and, in the night shift, our workers run even the cn
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I don't know how to help if you are not using "multiple printout " option. You can select PDF ,PiWeb, Default, or Compact. I believe are the current options until 2020. Also Excel to export into another sheet.

I map PDF to my customer folder. It never prints. The shop report prints in draft quality to facilitate setup.
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We use multiple printout for set the autosave folder with a parametric string for rename the pdf files with p/n, date, serial number, etc.
I'm thinking, if I print my report with all characteristics in excel format, with a vba routine, is possible to fill different report for shop floor and customer... Is a possibility 🤔

My doubt arise because in my office we have zeiss and mitutoyo. With mcosmos I can open and close, in the same program, different report with different characteristics inside and print them separately.

I have been working in another factory with pcdmis for 9 months and it work like mcosmos.
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