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Probe Qualification report question


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I have a program that runs a qualification on every probe in the rack at every angle. The report just outputs the standard deviation of each qualification to verify if it was any good. However, sometimes a probe doesn't qualify for some reason. The sigma and diameter will show good, so it doesn't get caught in the report. It doesn't get noticed until. you go to run a program that uses that particular probe and angle at which it stop and gives a message that says the probe isn't qualified. So then you have to put the sphere back on the table and do the whole song and dance again. Alternatively I can just look in the probe management window and see if something isn't qualified. My question however- Does anyone know how to convey this into a report so it can be caught up front?
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Like Shabu mentioned, if you use a result element characteristic and the appropriate printout, that should suffice. That’s how I’ve always made my Cal programs.
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Create a result element for each stylus and all it's positions. This is the PCM that wil give you the Sigma result.

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As I previously stated, the program already outputs the standard deviation. That's what sigma means. The problem is that sometimes there is an error and the qualification fails. (you will see a little red X in the stylus system window when you activate it. Calypso considers this stylus " not qualified". In fact it logs the sigma value as perfect 0.0000. So on a report using result element, it shows a good qualification when it is not.
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Geez. Give 'em an inch and they take a mile...LOL

I don't know but you could generate a Multiple Report using 1 PiWeb report and 1 Default Printout. Sorry.
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Could an "If, Then" formula be added to the result element, so if the sigma equals 0.0, then 10? That way it will turn red on the report.
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You could put a ridiculously small low limit like 0.000001 in your sigma characteristic so that a perfect 0.0000 shows up red.

It's been a while, but I think probes that randomly lose their qualification also lose their qualification date. You might investigate the value of getProbe().probeDate on a probe that you know has lost its qualification.

The documentation also lists a getProbe().calibration that is supposed to provide a yes/no value for whether the probe is qualified or not. I haven't tested, but you could give that a try.
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I use result element with sigma tolerance max value(PCM getProbe, etc.).

We report out to either 6 decimal places in inches.

Calypso could use a better probe qual result printout..
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Ahhh got ya. My Cal program is set in MM for decimal place purposes but I have a tolerance in the result element of ± 0,0005mm for the purpose of it calibrating to my liking. I may be overzealous with it but it gets the job done!

I've never had an issue where it didn't complete the qualification that you're talking about. That would drive me insanse.
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