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CMM-Check - Acid-Free Vaseline


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We have a CMM-Check artifact and the instructions state to use "acid-free vaseline" to protect steel surfaces from corrosion during storage. When I search for this online, most, if not all, results are based in Europe. Does anyone have an opinion on what is the best equivalent is, here in the US?
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Could something be lost in translation here?

I went to school for chemistry and here are my thoughts. 100% pure petroleum jelly is literally acid free since it is pure petroleum jelly. Since petroleum jelly is non-soluble in water then you can't check it's PH, therefore, not an acid.

could it be "use any acid free lubricant, eg. petroleum jelly"
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What about Rivolta? like for the Duramax tables?
"Fully synthetic, acid- and resin-free" as per their site. And you probably already have a can of it kicking around the office..
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is this a Porsche part?

from Wikipedia

Petroleum jelly can be used to lubricate zippers and slide rules. It was also recommended by Porsche in maintenance training documentation for lubrication (after cleaning) of "Weatherstrips on Doors, Hood, Tailgate, Sun Roof". The publication states, "…before applying a new coat of lubricant…" "Only acid-free lubricants may be used, for example: glycerine, Vaseline, tire mounting paste, etc. These lubricants should be rubbed in, and excessive lubricant wiped off with a soft cloth."[25] It is used in bullet lubricant compounds.[26] Petrolatum is also used as a light lubricating grease [27] as well as an anti-seize assembling grease.[28]
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I think "acid-free" is just an addition for them to be on the safe side. It's like selling vegan mineral water. 😃
In my early days in the quality department (even before I knew what a CMM is) we used vaseline to cover all kinds of gauges, pins, v-blocks etc. and they never showed a dot of corrosion. Why should American vaseline be any different?
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