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Plotting Free Form Curves


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Do you have a model ? If you do then you will need a characteristic of some sort. Profile of a surface is what I use.
The data needs to be associated with the CAD geometry, and you need to use CAD evaluation.

Lots of options and methods , so state your goal for more specific guidance. I'm a novice at the Curve option but plenty of help on the forum.
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Yep, I have a CAD model. I don't think you can do a free form surface w/out one. So far I have not been too thrilled w/ this feature. I'm not aware of anyway to get a visual plot of it after the program has been run, & I have my doubts on how accurate it is. Using various alignments and vector points (space points), I have verified that the CAD model is correct. I did the same - alignments & space points - to try & validate the free form readings & there is definitely a difference.

The profile has no datum scheme so I made sure I clicked "No Datum Reference Frame" in the profile of a surface characteristic.
I clicked best fit for both translation and rotation (no datum ref). And yet the free form surface is anywhere from 0.022mm to 0.041mm. The individual space points are all w/in a fraction of a micron, locational speaking. Kind of at a loss.
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Okay I got it. The software was not calculating the nominals for the point spread correctly. I made my own point set and verified all the nominals and everything came out great. Also verified w/ the vector points I was checking to verify. So all the numbers jive. Just another Calypso quirk. Thanks everyone who tried to help. Appreciate it.
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