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TP over gauge ball


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I'm sure that it has been mentioned before, but I can't find anything. Maybe on the old forum.

I have a Position req. on a inspection gauge ball that's placed in a cone.
Any suggestions how to achieve that?
Datum B is the ID of the part, Datum C is a slot that's responsible for clocking the part.
I'm not worried about getting MMC bonus for now, just how to build the construction to virtually measure it.

Any help is appreciated,
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You could make two opposing lines, and use the Construction Tangent Function.

Or you could measure the Cone, and use Trig to calculate the ball sitting in there virtually as well.
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Only tangentially (hah) related, but: how would you apply the MMC to this callout? Not just in Calypso, I'm having trouble visualizing conceptually what they even mean.
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It's a standard probe size, get one in 1-2 days. Use self-centering point with midpoint evaluation. We have a lot of these 'ball ramps'.

It can be done with constructions and formulas as well. good luck.
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I have used two opposing lines for now, seems to have done the trick.
Interestingly, there is another callout on this countersink - Position with MMC on its diameter.

Chris, for now its just a one off prototype. If the thing goes into production I will definitely consider buying a probe. Thanks!

Thank you all for the help!
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Could you make an alignment using Datums, Create a THEO Sphere with BASIC distance ? Set evaluation as MAX INSC. . Recall points from cone.

It would give you a sphere with tertiary position, variable diameter, and utilize MMC

The 2d line method doesn't really do that does it ?
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Regarding MMC 'Bonus' of the feature : We've had this on ball pocket drawings as well. Engineer seems to agree its invalid.(not exactly a feature of size)
Only way I could think of to add MMC is for the diameter of the cone intersection with the surface. Calculate smallest/largest countersink diameters, etc. based on a min/max linear from position tolerance.

However, I would get Engineering's interpretation of this.

Good luck.
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Hmm...that's a good one. My understanding is that FCFs must be applied to features that are actually part of the workpiece. At least, I know that if position is applied at MMC, the MMC of that feature must be defined.
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