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Gage R&R


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Performing a Gage R&R on my O-Inspect. All my diameters and lengths pass with flying colors, as well as positions and perpendicularities. All my radial runouts are killing me, .03mm tolerance. My datums are 3d lines, constructed between two cones or two circles 210mm apart. I have always handed over my calibration cert when asked to run a Gage R&R and told the engineer that the repeatability is right there, in the certification. Not this time. This is more of a rant than anything else and I have looped the alignments that the 3D lines are a part of. If any one has a trick, please share.Thanks
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The looped alignment, how close is it getting to zero in the default printout?

How consistent are the features? They may be good enough for GR&R but not good enough for runout.

The 3d line is made from feature recall, not recall points?

Maybe try to make a cylinder from the circles?

Constraining is tricky, but cones are tricky. I verify with a second method.

My best luck has been to measure cones with lines.
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